The Falkenburgs of the Shenandoah Valley


Yes, I know it has been a long time since a new blog article was posted.  I hope this new posting will make up for that.  Here is a little background.  This has been the most difficult topic I have ever researched and written including work done for my two graduate degrees, and it has taken 11 months.  What you will read is the heritage of every single Fortenberry, Falconberry, and Falkenberry (regardless of spelling) who can trace their ancestry to anyone of this name living in the South before the Civil War or Revolutionary War.   That is a lot of people!  I wanted this work to be contained in one document; consequently, it is very long (72 slides and 87 endnotes).  Feel free to print it and read at your leisure!  Take it to your Thanksgiving celebration and share it!  Let me know what you think!

The article, “Falkenburgs of the Shenandoah Valley,” can be found in the Blogroll list on the right.  When it opens as a PDF, locate a small symbol with arrows pointing in four directions.  Please choose this option to go to full screen per slide.  This will allow you to read a full slide at a time like in a PowerPoint using page up/page down or arrow keys.  Enjoy!