
mushroom hunting for article

After many years of looking, I just recently located Pauline (Bachie) Jaroszewska’s Ellis Island record.  My mother would be so proud of me!!  For those of you that might need a reminder – Bachie was Wanda’s mother, and she married Raymond Werbicki.   This blog entry will share some Polish history as well as some of the interesting documents I have found.  I have discovered so much new information that at some point in the future I will need to rewrite some of the Cybulski entries to correct some of the names and dates originally recorded by Mom.

Update of Raymond’s DNA – The company called and said they had a problem on their end with his testing.  They sent a new kit and as a show of good faith, refunded us the money and will process it immediately.  I will be using the refunded money to pay for research in Poland on Raymond Werbicki’s origins.   I will let you know when results come in.

Please choose “Wanda’s mother – Bachie” from the bottom of the
blogroll and enjoy.
